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Multiple Petitioners

Multiple PetitionersDo you wish to immigrate to the US and wonder if you can have more than one person petition on your behalf?

Any foreign national who has more than one close relative that is a US citizen or permanent resident does not need to choose just one of them serve as their petitioner. There are rules and regulations depicting the family relationships that potentially qualify someone to petition for an immigrant to receive a green card but any or all of the relatives who qualify are able serve as the petitioner(s).


“Very professional law firm. We had a difficult issue and Mr. Shusterman’s office got right onto the case and resolved the issue with USCIS. Because of their efforts, me and my family were able to get our Legal Permanent Residency card. My suggestion to those trying to obtain employment based card. Don’t look for a money saving attorney. They will cost you a lot more in long run. Go to a law firm which is professional and knowledgeable. It pays in the long term..” (More client reviews…)


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Depending on the familial relationship, the length of time it will take to get a green card through different family members can vary drastically. If an immigrant has an immediate relative that is a US citizen it is often in their best interest to apply in the immediate relative category to speed up the process. Immediate relatives include spouses, parents, or unmarried children of US citizens. In this category no annual limits apply therefore the application will be processed as quickly as the government allows.

If the immigrant does not have a family member considered an immediate relative, it is worth it to figure out which family relationship will get them a greed card the fastest. The preference categories and priority dates are available monthly in the Visa Bulletin published by the US State Department.

All immigrants who do not have immediate relative US citizens to petition for them will be placed in the relevant preference category. These have annual numerical limits that cause the waiting times for available visas to reach over ten years in certain categories. In these cases it is beneficial for the immigrant to have more than one petitioner file on their behalf because their circumstances are likely to change over time.

The immigrant has nothing to loose and everything to gain in having more than one US petitioner. Having multiple petitioners can be a crucial back up plan in the event of divorce, death, or any other change in circumstances.  If a person wishing to immigrate to the US has multiple qualified relatives willing to petition on their behalf they should consult a qualified immigration attorney to determine the best approach.


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